Brow Tattoo


Brow Tattoo Consultation (Eyebrow wax and tint included) | $70

Ombre Brows | 3hrs | $499

Combo Brows | 3hrs | $499

Touch Up’s

6-8 Week Touch Up | $160

3-6 Months Touch Up | $190

6-9 Months Touch Up | $220

9-18 Months Touch Up | $299

All bookings for cosmetic tattooing can be booked by contacting Belle-Issa Beauty directly.

Cosmetic tattooing will not be performed on those who have had tattooing done elsewhere. 


The day before your appointment give your eyebrows and the skin around the area a gentle exfoliation as this allows for better pigment retention. Wash your hair so its less chance of wetting your brows.


2 days prior to your appointment the following should be avoided:

  • All caffeine inc enery drinks, coffee, tea, pre workouts

  • Alcohol

  • Asprin, ibuprofen

  • Working out on the day of

1 week prior to your appointment the following should be avoided

  • Fish oils

  • Vitamin E

  • All blood thinners

  • Facials/Peels

  • Brow waxing/tinting

2 weeks prior to your appointment the following should be avoided

  • Heavy sun exposure

  • Fake tanning

  • Botox

  • Discontinue all facial products containing retinol and glycolic acid


Instructions and a aftercare pack will be provided on the day of your appointment however please keep in mind of the below information. Results depend not only on the technician but the individual as well, 90% of the time the healed results will depend on how well the client follows the detailed pre and post care instructions. Please do not book your appointments when you have any events or holidays planned 2 weeks following your procedure as you can not wear makeup, be in the sun or wet your brows for 2 weeks. Avoid exercising until the scabs flake off which is around 10 days after the brows have been tattooed. Booking your touch up is your responsibility, please bare in mind that the price increases the longer you leave it.


True results will likely be revealed around the 4-6 week mark, being mindful that all skin heals differently and results will vary through each individual. Each client is tattooed in the exact same way so if you do not achieve the same results as someone else it is because this is a skin dependant procedure. TRUST THE PROCESS!